
日曰工所 是一致力於機械、動力裝置、互動設計開發的創作工作者,我們專注其領域琢磨簡練,期許以職人造物的裕度,展開務實的實踐體驗,與藝術家、設計師合作,體現探尋創作中的可能性,為詩意呈現所造,為應用需求建構解決方案。

“Changwork” is a creative team dedicated to the development of machinery, Kinetic installation, and interactive design. We focus on the refinement of our expertise in these areas, and aspire to engage in practical experiences as artisan creators. We collaborate with artists and designers to explore the possibilities of creativity, and strive to create solutions that meet the needs of practical applications, while delivering poetic and meaningful presentations.


▪ 機械動力
▪ 互動裝置
▪ 設計開發
▪ 裝置藝術
▪ 電子電路